Witaj Go¶ciu ( Zaloguj | Rejestruj )

> Temat pomocy
To jest temat, który chciałe¶ obejrzeć
WprowadĽ słowa kluczowe do wyszukania   

> Recovering lost or forgotten passwords
To jest temat, który chciałe¶ obejrzeć
Security is a big feature on this board, and to that end, all passwords are encrypted when you register.
This means that we cannot email your password to you as we hold no record of your 'uncrypted' password. You can however, apply to have your password reset.

To do this, click on the Lost Password link found on the log in page.

Further instruction is available from there.
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RSS Wersja Lo-Fi Aktualny czas: sobota, 07 grudnia 2024 - 00:52
FMDG - Razem od 2003
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